20 April 2011

Victory against Orks (2000 points)

Kill point mission with pitched battle deployment.

Tyranids won the roll off: Big Genestealer unit infiltrated forward, got feel no pain and advanced together with the rest of the swarm. One Trukk got immobilised by the Hive Guards.
On the right flank some Kopters and Biker Nobs tried to shoot a Trygon, but it survived with a couple of wounds. Genestealers weathered the shooting with FNP, got assaulted and slaughtered the aussaulting Orks.
On the left flank the swarm was hit hard by some Orks from advancing Trukks and the Meganobz from the immobilised Trukk. Without FNP (need another Tervigon ;-) the Gargoyles crumbled.

But as early as in round two it went downhill for the Orks. On the left flank Ymgarls appeared and assaulted the Orkboyz, the Trygon there and some Raveners ate the Meganobz. On the right flank Raveners and the Parasite took on the Kopters.
The Bikernobz got assaulted by the Genestealers and the Alphakrieger. One claw was shut down by the Broodlord's hypnosis and in the next round, with the help from some more Termagants the Bikernobz vanished.
After top of round four almost all Orks were destroyed and they conceded. And the Nemesis didn't even bothered to show up ...

Here the list I used:
* Parasite
* Alphakrieger w/ boneswords, scything talons, tox and regen
* 3 Hive Guard
* Nemesis in "Drop Pod"
* 6 Y-Genestealers
* 10 Termgants
* Tervigon w/ adrenal, tox, Catalyst
* 16 Genestealers + Broodlord
* 19 Gargoyles w/ tox and adrenal
* 2x3 Ravaners w/ rending claws
* 2 Trygons w/ adrenal

In a standard 2000 point list I would replace the Nemesis with Hive Guard and perhaps the Y with Zoantrophes. Additionally I would like some Hormagants to put even more pressure on the enemy and fumble with his target priority. It would be easier tzo shoot the Hormagants in cover than the Genestealer in Cover with FNP, right? ;-)

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