Short summary:
- 1500 points on 48x48"
- Mission was "Capture and Control" with pitched battel deployment
- Much area terrain but only two little LOS blocker
- Space Marines won the roll off and chose to start
- 3 Assault Cannons and some Lascannons wrecked the Trygon in the first round
- Hormagaunts were tied up by a Dreadnought without arms the whole game (miscalculated the distance :-(
- Land Raider remained unscathed (just one damaged Lascannon) because the Zoantrophe died early
- Ravener reached and destroyed the other Dreadnought, were assaulted by the Chaplain and the Assault Squad, could not use their higher initiative (just one wound) and were annihilated
- But the next round the Genestealers came in from the flank, assaulted and destroyed them. Chaplain remained with one wound - very good so they were safe from shooting.
- Genestealers the assaulted the unit that hold their objective and got shot to pieces the following turn by two units with Flamers. Broodlord remained.
- After five turns game ended with the termagants holding their objective and the Broodlord holding the enemy objective.
- The empty Landraider couldn't reach the Tyranid objective in time. One or two rounds more and the game would have ended in a victory for the Space Marines ...
Hive Fleet Open Valley (1499 points)
1 Tyranid Prime @ 120 pts (Alpha Warrior; Boneswords (x2); Scything Talons; Toxin Sacs, Adenal Glands)
2 Hive Guards @ 100 pts
2 Hive Guards @ 100 pts
1 Zoantrophe @ 60 points
3 Tyranid Warriors @ 175 pts (Lash Whip & Bonesword; Deathspitter (x2); Toxin Sacs; Venom Cannon)
5 Tyranid Warriors @ 210 pts (Scything Talons; Deathspitter (x4); Toxin Sacs; Venom Cannon)
8 Genestealers @ 229 pts (Toxin Sacs) + 1 Broodlord
16 Hormagaunts (Toxin Sacs)
16 Termagant Brood @ 96 pts (Toxin Sacs)
1 Trygon Prime @ 275 pts (Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs)
Space Marines
1 Chaplain with Jump Pack
10 Space Marines w/ Lascannon, Flamer, Power Fist + Razorback (TLLC)
10 Space Marines w/ Lascannon, Flamer, Power Fist
1 Dreadnought w/ TLLC + ML
1 Dreadnought w/ Assault cannon
2 Landspeeder w/ HB + Assault cannon
8 Assault Marines w/ Jump packs, Power Fist + Plasma Pistol
1 Land Raider
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