16 November 2011

Chaos Space Marines devoured by the Open Valley Swarm

Again we played a 2000 points Total War Mission. RG's Chaos Space Marines went first but where overwhelmed by the sheer number of 5 monstrous creatures and lots of little bugs. The two Tervigons managed to spawn over 40 Termagants.

Chaos brought the following
- General with demonic weapon
- Great Demon
- 10 Khorne Berserkers
- 2x 10 Plague Marines + Rhino
- 5 Chosen Chaos Space Marines + Rhino
- Land Raider
- Vindicator
- 3 Oblitorators

The Tyrannic swarm consisted of:
- Hive Tyrant
- Tervigon (HQ)
- 2x 2 Hive Guard
- Doom with Spore
- 12 Devilgaunts
- Tervigon (Troops)
- 2x 8 Symbionts with Symbiarch
- 14 Hormagaunts with Toxin
- 2 Trygons

Key to victory were the massive pawning of Termagants and getting Paroxysm on the Khorne Berserkers plus General.

02 November 2011

Orks won against Tyranids

We played the "Total War Mission" which provided a nice change to the usual missions in the rule book.

In this 2000 points game my Tyranids lost again against RG's Orks. I took no photos and I don't even know which list I used. Two details I can remember. One is that the Parasite managed to generate 6 Ripper bases - nice! Two is that the Orks failed a lot of leadership tests to the soul sucking of the Doom

My list was probably something like:
- Parasite
- Winged Hive Tyrant
- 2 Venomthopes
- Doom in Spore
- 12 Termagants Devourers
15 Hormagaunts
- Tervigon
- 2x 8 Symbionts with Symbiarch
-2 Trygons

Highlight for the Orks was that the Snootzoga obliterated the Winged Hive Tyrant with a roll of a 12 which means it was sucked into the warp ...

17 July 2011

Hive generated more Termagants

A dozen more of these little bugs. This time armed with devourers: Assault 3, S4, 18" and forces -1 to subsequent morale checks. Nice!

05 July 2011

Winged Hive Tyrant

Bought this Winged Hive Tyrant a year ago from Forgeworld. It was annoying to assemble this thing, because all parts were warped (the base still is) and the wings didn't fit very well. But now it is done and we will see if it can justify its cost on the battlefield ;-)

29 June 2011

And again a total loss ...

... against Chaos Daemons.

Game was pitched battle with Capture & Control. Daemons gave Tyranids first turn which was a good thing because with infiltraing Genestealers and fast Gargoyles on one flank the Daemons had to deep strike into the ramaining quarter of the table.
But then one deepstriking Trygon was lost an all went downhill. Better to start the Trygons on the table to attack the incoming warp creatures ....

16 June 2011

Tyranids got slaughtered by Orks. Again ...

Against a 2000 points Ork horde consisting of 190 (!) models my Tyranids couldn't stand their ground and got tabled in round 5.
I guess the Hive Mind was asleep because I wasn't abel to play them as a whole, with synergy. Wasted units like the Gargoyles or the Trygon Prime assaulting alone 30 Orks ...

My list
* Alphakrieger w/ boneswords, scything talons, tox and regen
* 2x 2 Hive Guard
* 2 Venomthropes
* 10 Termagants
* Tervigon w/ adrenal, tox, Catalyst
* 12 Genestealers w/ Broodlord
* 3 Warriors w/ tox, deathspitters, scything talons, venom cannon
* 3 Warriors w/ tox, deathspitters, scything talons, barbed strangler
* 20 Gargoyles w/ tox and adrenal
* 6 Raveners w/ rending claws
* 2 Trygons w/ adrenal, one prime

14 June 2011

20 April 2011

Victory against Orks (2000 points)

Kill point mission with pitched battle deployment.

Tyranids won the roll off: Big Genestealer unit infiltrated forward, got feel no pain and advanced together with the rest of the swarm. One Trukk got immobilised by the Hive Guards.
On the right flank some Kopters and Biker Nobs tried to shoot a Trygon, but it survived with a couple of wounds. Genestealers weathered the shooting with FNP, got assaulted and slaughtered the aussaulting Orks.
On the left flank the swarm was hit hard by some Orks from advancing Trukks and the Meganobz from the immobilised Trukk. Without FNP (need another Tervigon ;-) the Gargoyles crumbled.

But as early as in round two it went downhill for the Orks. On the left flank Ymgarls appeared and assaulted the Orkboyz, the Trygon there and some Raveners ate the Meganobz. On the right flank Raveners and the Parasite took on the Kopters.
The Bikernobz got assaulted by the Genestealers and the Alphakrieger. One claw was shut down by the Broodlord's hypnosis and in the next round, with the help from some more Termagants the Bikernobz vanished.
After top of round four almost all Orks were destroyed and they conceded. And the Nemesis didn't even bothered to show up ...

Here the list I used:
* Parasite
* Alphakrieger w/ boneswords, scything talons, tox and regen
* 3 Hive Guard
* Nemesis in "Drop Pod"
* 6 Y-Genestealers
* 10 Termgants
* Tervigon w/ adrenal, tox, Catalyst
* 16 Genestealers + Broodlord
* 19 Gargoyles w/ tox and adrenal
* 2x3 Ravaners w/ rending claws
* 2 Trygons w/ adrenal

In a standard 2000 point list I would replace the Nemesis with Hive Guard and perhaps the Y with Zoantrophes. Additionally I would like some Hormagants to put even more pressure on the enemy and fumble with his target priority. It would be easier tzo shoot the Hormagants in cover than the Genestealer in Cover with FNP, right? ;-)

13 April 2011

Knapper Sieg gegen die Orkhorden

2000 Punkte
Mission: kill points
Aufstellung: lange Spielfeldkante

Tyraniden bekommen den ersten Zug und stürmen geschlossen in der Mitte voran. Die Orkss rücken ebenfalls vor, so dass sich in der zweiten Runde mehrer Nahkampattacken ergeben:
  • Gargoylen gegen Warpkopp und 15 Orks: geht verloren weil durch Gelände angegriffen
  • Schwarmtyrant gegen 30 Orks: blöde Idee ...
  • Symbionten gegen Sprungtruppen: es kommen nur wenige Symbionten in den Nahkampf, wider Erwarten werden die Sprungtruppen aber niedergemacht
  • Venatoren gegen Zapp-Wummen - wenn der Geländetest nicht 1 Zoll zu wenig ergeben hätte ...
  • Alpha-Trygon gegen große Blechbüchse
Durch die schlecht eingeleiteten Nahkämpfe und die daruf folgenden Angriffe der Orks auf dann ohne Abdeckung stehende Toxotrophen, Schwarmwachen und Venatoren liegen die Tyraniden schnell nach drei Runden 3:7 zurück.
In den Runden 5 und 6 jeodch können die verbleibenden Symbionten, der Trygon und vor allem der Tervigon mit insgesamt etwa 30 erzeugten Termganten (mit FNP, Toxin und Adrenalin) die Orkmassen niederringen und mit 12:11 in die 6. Runde gehen, ohne dass die Orks noch eine Chance hätten zu gewinnen.

Matchwinner: Tervigon + Termaganten haben sicherlich etwa 50 Orks auf dem Gewissen. Aber auch die Symbionten (ohne Toxin!) haben sich bewährt mit 3-4 Kills.

18 February 2011

Chaosdaemons repelled

Mission: the 2 objective one
Deployment: pitched battle

Gave the Daemons the first round and deployed all units except the warriors with BS+LW. I wanted them as counter in case some Daemons would come near my objective.
Daemons had bad luck when their gods decided to hold the first wave back and send the second one in.

Daemons came in into assault range, got shot by Hive Guards, Zoantrophes and Warriors and finished off by the rest of the swarm.
Tyranids lost the Trygon, the Gargoyles, the Genestealers (shot by Hirrors), the Ravenors.
Trygon spawned 11 Gants in round 1 with doubles ...
Daemons conceded after top of round 5 with only one unit of Horrors left and the swarm closing in.

12 February 2011

The sarge is acting strangely ...

... because he has been infested with rippers by The Parasite Of Mo'tex.

The swarm is flying ...

10 Gargoyles are finished and ready to spit their poison.